Cuba crea cuatro vacunas contra el cáncer

(Tomado de
(English version of the text at the end)
El modelo de industria pública médico- farmacéutica de un país socialista del Sur, frente a un modelo de mera rentabilidad económica de las multinacionales de la producción de medicamentos en el Norte: los medios miran para otro lado.
Que Cuba haya desarrollado ya cuatro vacunas contra diferentes tipos de cáncer es sin duda una noticia importante para la Humanidad, si tenemos en cuenta que, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada año mueren en el mundo, por esta enfermedad, cerca de 8 millones de personas. Sin embargo, los grandes medios internacionales la han ignorado casi por completo.
In 2012 Cuba patenting the first therapeutic vaccine against advanced lung cancer worldwide, the CIMAVAX-EGF (3). And in January 2013 announcing the second, the call Racotumomab (4). 86 countries clinical trials demonstrate that these vaccines do not cure the disease, achieve the reduction of tumors and allow a stable phase of the disease, increasing life expectancy and quality of life.
The Center of Molecular Immunology in Havana, the Cuban state owned, is the creator of all these vaccines. Already in 1985 developed the vaccine for meningitis B, unique in the world, and later others, as those against hepatitis B and dengue.
In addition, research for years to develop a vaccine against HIV-AIDS (7). Another Cuban state center, laboratories LABIOFAM also develops homeopathic medicines against cancer: VIDATOX is the case, made from the blue scorpion venom.
Cuba exports these drugs to 26 countries, and participates in joint ventures in China, Canada and Spain. All this completely breaks a stereotype widespread, reinforced by the media silence on the progress of Cuba and other countries of the South: the medical-pharmaceutical research edge occurs only in the countries called "developed".
Undoubtedly, the Cuban state's economic performance gets international sale of these pharmaceuticals. However, their research and marketing philosophy is at odds with business practices of Big Pharma.
The Nobel Prize in Medicine Richard J. Roberts recently denounced the drug companies to orient their research does not cure the disease, but the development of drugs for chronic diseases, much more profitable economically. And stated that the diseases of the poorest countries because of low profitability, simply not investigated. Thus, 90% of the research budget is allocated to disease 10% of the world population.
The public medical-pharmaceutical industry in Cuba, despite being one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the country, governed by principles radically opposed.
First, their investigations are aimed, in large part, to develop vaccines that prevent disease and consequently lessen drug expenditure of the population.
In an article in the prestigious journal Science, researchers from Stanford University (California) Paul Drain and Michele Barry claimed that Cuba gets better health indicators than the U.S. spending up to twenty times less. The reason: the absence, in the Cuban model of commercial pressures and incentives from drug companies, and a successful education strategy population health prevention.
In addition, natural and traditional therapies, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, hypnosis and many others-, uneconomic practices for drug manufacturers, are built for years in the public health system free of the Island
On the other hand, in Cuba the drugs are distributed, first, in the national public hospital network, free or highly subsidized-precisely-thanks to the hard currency revenues from exports.
Cuban pharmaceutical industry also intended only to advertising expense budget, in the case of multinational companies, is superior even to itself invested in research (15).Finally, Cuba encourages the production of generic drugs available to other poor countries and the World Health Organization, at a price far below that of the great global industry.
But these arrangements, reflects Infornación Jose Manzanares in Cuba, outside market rules, generate strong pressures from the pharmaceutical industry. Recently, the Government of Ecuador to Cuba announced the purchase of a number of medications, "reciprocity" for scholarships for Ecuadorians on the island and for the support of Cuban specialists on "Manuela Espejo" for disabled.
The protests of the Ecuadorian Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories immediately became media campaign, spreading the message of the alleged poor quality of Cuban drugs.
On the other hand, many analysts see behind the Honduras coup, in 2009, the large international pharmaceutical industry, as the government of ousted Manuel Zelaya, under the ALBA agreement, intended to replace the importation of drugs from multinationals by Cuban generics.
The U.S. blockade to Cuba imposed major obstacles to international marketing of pharmaceuticals Cubans, but also directly harm U.S. citizens. For example, 80,000 people with diabetes who suffer in this country each year, the amputation of his toes, can not access Heperprot P Cuban vaccine that prevents precisely.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Peter Agre recently stated that "Cuba is a great example of how to integrate knowledge and scientific research." Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, said he was "very impressed" with the scientific achievements of Cuba and showed the will of the United Nations organization promoting them worldwide, cites Joseph Manzaneda Cuba Information Site.
The question is inevitable: with the collaboration imperative of major international media to disseminate? (Translation by Google)
En 2012 Cuba patentaba la primera vacuna terapéutica contra el cáncer de pulmón avanzado a nivel mundial, la CIMAVAX-EGF (3). Y en enero de 2013 se anunciaba la segunda, la llamada Racotumomab (4). Ensayos clínicos en 86 países demuestran que estas vacunas, aunque no curan la enfermedad, consiguen la reducción de los tumores y permiten una etapa estable de la enfermedad, aumentando esperanza y calidad de vida.
El Centro de Inmunología Molecular de La Habana, perteneciente al Estado cubano, es el creador de todas estas vacunas. Ya en 1985 desarrolló la vacuna de la meningitis B, única en el mundo, y más tarde otras, como las que combaten la hepatitis B o el dengue.
Además, investiga desde hace años para desarrollar una vacuna contra el VIH-SIDA (7). Otro centro estatal cubano, los laboratorios LABIOFAM, desarrolla medicamentos homeopáticos también contra el cáncer: es el caso del VIDATOX, elaborado a partir del veneno del alacrán azul.
Cuba exporta estos fármacos a 26 países, y participa en empresas mixtas en China, Canadá y España. Todo esto rompe completamente un estereotipo muy extendido, reforzado por el silencio mediático acerca de los avances de Cuba y otros países del Sur: que la investigación médico-farmacéutica de vanguardia se produce solo en los países llamados “desarrollados”.
Indudablemente, el Estado cubano obtiene un rendimiento económico de la venta internacional de estos productos farmacéuticos. Sin embargo, su filosofía de investigación y comercialización está en las antípodas de la práctica empresarial de la gran industria farmacéutica.
El Premio Nobel de Medicina Richard J. Roberts denunciaba recientemente que las farmacéuticas orientan sus investigaciones no a la cura de las enfermedades, sino al desarrollo de fármacos para dolencias crónicas, mucho más rentables económicamente. Y señalaba que las enfermedades propias de los países más pobres –por su baja rentabilidad- sencillamente no se investigan. Por ello, el 90% del presupuesto para investigación está destinado a las enfermedades del 10% de la población mundial.
La industria pública médico-farmacéutica de Cuba, aún siendo una de las principales fuentes de divisas para el país, se rige por principios radicalmente opuestos.
En primer lugar, sus investigaciones van dirigidas, en buena parte, a desarrollar vacunas que evitan enfermedades y, en consecuencia, aminoran el gasto en medicamentos de la población.
En un artículo en la prestigiosa revista Science, los investigadores de Universidad de Stanford (California) Paul Drain y Michele Barry aseguraban que Cuba obtiene mejores indicadores de salud que EEUU gastando hasta veinte veces menos. La razón: la ausencia –en el modelo cubano- de presiones y estímulos comerciales por parte de las farmacéuticas, y una exitosa estrategia de educación de la población en prevención de salud.
Además, las terapias naturales y tradicionales –como la medicina herbolaria, la acupuntura, la hipnosis y muchas otras-, prácticas poco rentables para los fabricantes de medicamentos, están integradas desde hace años en el sistema de salud pública gratuita de la Isla.
Por otro lado, en Cuba los fármacos son distribuidos, en primer lugar, en la red hospitalaria pública nacional, de forma gratuita o altamente subsidiada -precisamente- gracias a los ingresos en moneda fuerte por sus exportaciones.
La industria farmacéutica cubana, además, apenas destina presupuesto al gasto publicitario que, en el caso de la multinacionales, es superior incluso al invertido en la propia investigación (15).
Por último, Cuba impulsa la producción de fármacos genéricos que pone a disposición de otros países pobres y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, a un precio muy inferior al de la gran industria mundial.
Pero estos acuerdos, refleja José Manzanares en Cuba Infornación, ajenos a las reglas del mercado, generan fuertes presiones desde la industria farmacéutica. Recientemente, el Gobierno de Ecuador anunciaba la compra a Cuba de un número importante de medicamentos, en “reciprocidad” por la becas a estudiantes ecuatorianos en la Isla y por el apoyo de especialistas cubanos en el programa “Manuela Espejo” para personas discapacitadas.
Las protestas de la Asociación de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Ecuatorianos se convirtieron de inmediato en campaña mediática, difundiendo el mensaje de la supuesta mala calidad de los fármacos cubanos.
Por otro lado, numerosos analistas ven detrás del golpe de estado de Honduras, en 2009, a la gran industria farmacéutica internacional, ya que el gobierno del depuesto Manuel Zelaya, en el marco del acuerdo ALBA, pretendía sustituir la importación de medicamentos de las multinacionales por los genéricos cubanos.
El bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba impone importantes obstáculos para la comercialización internacional de los productos farmacéuticos cubanos, pero también perjudica directamente a la ciudadanía de EEUU. Por ejemplo, las 80.000 personas diabéticas que sufren en este país, cada año, la amputación de los dedos de sus pies, no pueden acceder a la vacuna cubana Heperprot P, que precisamente las evita.
El Premio Nobel de Química Peter Agre afirmaba recientemente que “Cuba es un magnífico ejemplo de cómo se pueden integrar el conocimiento y la investigación científica”. Irina Bokova, directora general de la UNESCO, decía sentirse “muy impresionada” con los logros científicos de Cuba y mostraba la voluntad de esta organización de Naciones Unidas en promoverlos en el resto del mundo, cita José Manzaneda en el sitio Cuba Información.
La pregunta es inevitable: ¿contará con la colaboración imprescindible de los grandes medios internacionales para difundirlos? (tomado del
Cuba creates four cancer vaccines
The model of public medical-pharmaceutical industry in a socialist country South, compared to a mere cost-effectiveness model of multinational drug production in the North: the media look the other way.
That Cuba has developed and four vaccines against different types of cancer is certainly big news for humanity, if we consider that, according to the World Health Organization, every year in the world, for this disease, about 8 million people. However, the major international media have almost completely ignored.
That Cuba has developed and four vaccines against different types of cancer is certainly big news for humanity, if we consider that, according to the World Health Organization, every year in the world, for this disease, about 8 million people. However, the major international media have almost completely ignored.
In 2012 Cuba patenting the first therapeutic vaccine against advanced lung cancer worldwide, the CIMAVAX-EGF (3). And in January 2013 announcing the second, the call Racotumomab (4). 86 countries clinical trials demonstrate that these vaccines do not cure the disease, achieve the reduction of tumors and allow a stable phase of the disease, increasing life expectancy and quality of life.
The Center of Molecular Immunology in Havana, the Cuban state owned, is the creator of all these vaccines. Already in 1985 developed the vaccine for meningitis B, unique in the world, and later others, as those against hepatitis B and dengue.
In addition, research for years to develop a vaccine against HIV-AIDS (7). Another Cuban state center, laboratories LABIOFAM also develops homeopathic medicines against cancer: VIDATOX is the case, made from the blue scorpion venom.
Cuba exports these drugs to 26 countries, and participates in joint ventures in China, Canada and Spain. All this completely breaks a stereotype widespread, reinforced by the media silence on the progress of Cuba and other countries of the South: the medical-pharmaceutical research edge occurs only in the countries called "developed".
Undoubtedly, the Cuban state's economic performance gets international sale of these pharmaceuticals. However, their research and marketing philosophy is at odds with business practices of Big Pharma.
The Nobel Prize in Medicine Richard J. Roberts recently denounced the drug companies to orient their research does not cure the disease, but the development of drugs for chronic diseases, much more profitable economically. And stated that the diseases of the poorest countries because of low profitability, simply not investigated. Thus, 90% of the research budget is allocated to disease 10% of the world population.
The public medical-pharmaceutical industry in Cuba, despite being one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the country, governed by principles radically opposed.
First, their investigations are aimed, in large part, to develop vaccines that prevent disease and consequently lessen drug expenditure of the population.
In an article in the prestigious journal Science, researchers from Stanford University (California) Paul Drain and Michele Barry claimed that Cuba gets better health indicators than the U.S. spending up to twenty times less. The reason: the absence, in the Cuban model of commercial pressures and incentives from drug companies, and a successful education strategy population health prevention.
In addition, natural and traditional therapies, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, hypnosis and many others-, uneconomic practices for drug manufacturers, are built for years in the public health system free of the Island
On the other hand, in Cuba the drugs are distributed, first, in the national public hospital network, free or highly subsidized-precisely-thanks to the hard currency revenues from exports.
Cuban pharmaceutical industry also intended only to advertising expense budget, in the case of multinational companies, is superior even to itself invested in research (15).Finally, Cuba encourages the production of generic drugs available to other poor countries and the World Health Organization, at a price far below that of the great global industry.
But these arrangements, reflects Infornación Jose Manzanares in Cuba, outside market rules, generate strong pressures from the pharmaceutical industry. Recently, the Government of Ecuador to Cuba announced the purchase of a number of medications, "reciprocity" for scholarships for Ecuadorians on the island and for the support of Cuban specialists on "Manuela Espejo" for disabled.
The protests of the Ecuadorian Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories immediately became media campaign, spreading the message of the alleged poor quality of Cuban drugs.
On the other hand, many analysts see behind the Honduras coup, in 2009, the large international pharmaceutical industry, as the government of ousted Manuel Zelaya, under the ALBA agreement, intended to replace the importation of drugs from multinationals by Cuban generics.
The U.S. blockade to Cuba imposed major obstacles to international marketing of pharmaceuticals Cubans, but also directly harm U.S. citizens. For example, 80,000 people with diabetes who suffer in this country each year, the amputation of his toes, can not access Heperprot P Cuban vaccine that prevents precisely.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Peter Agre recently stated that "Cuba is a great example of how to integrate knowledge and scientific research." Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, said he was "very impressed" with the scientific achievements of Cuba and showed the will of the United Nations organization promoting them worldwide, cites Joseph Manzaneda Cuba Information Site.
The question is inevitable: with the collaboration imperative of major international media to disseminate? (Translation by Google)
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